Mod by: CONDOR #20 @1205022 VirtualNET - The On-Line Galleria bbs 205-837-1681 v.32bis S O A R with the CONDORs! Here's some bones to pick: This MOD will make VBBS 6.10A AUTO-DETECT CONDOR.SYS and MENU text will be displayed according to the HARDWARE Condor reports to VBBS. For instance VBBS finds CONDOR and CONDOR says "HEY I'm running VGA analog!" so VBBS will send out the FILE LOGIN.CDI (see page 19 in the CONDOR.DOC) all VBBS CONDOR files will be filename.CDx where x=what hardware Condor reports to VBBS. You don't have to have CONDOR.SYS installed on the VBBS local side to have CONDOR graphics online for users! Just shoot out the right MENU.CDx and away she goes, heck you could even have Condor graphics on a C64 bbs! oh no!!! :) Condor on the BBS side should mostly be used for SysOp testing of menus he creates. This mod also includes a PAUSE shutoff for messages that have a ~ TILDE in the title, this is so great for GRAPHIC messages, believe me you need it. OH if VBBS can't find the MENU.CDx it'll try for .MNU then .ANS .ASC just like it did before. Like it doesn't default to .CDE from .CDI menus, it looks for that hardware menu type only, then to .MNU .ANS .ASC By the way this MOD looks for CONDOR 4.0+ so if you use some later version of CONDOR.SYS it will find it but if you use commnds not in CONDOR 4.0 the USER might not be running the latest version of CONDOR.SYS. You can make this MOD allow JUST a higher version of CONDOR.SYS by changing the line of code that contains: IF VAL(MID$(condor1$, 2, 3)) < VAL("4.0") THEN to the latest version of CONDOR.SYS required to RUN your BBS menus, just change the VAL("4.0") part to match the lowest version of CONDOR.SYS required for your menus. If VBBS starts supporting CONDOR as a standard then maybe you can just set a var in VCONFIG sure would be nice! :) Time to Take the Highway..... ( It's a old Marshall Tucker song :) ........................................................................... Phase 1> LOAD up the FILE VBBSTYPE.BAS ------------ find a couple of lines that match this: COMMON SHARED dta$, d1 AS database, ps AS pathspecs COMMON SHARED u1 AS userdat, u2 AS userdat, cf1 AS dbconfig, door AS doors Directly above those lines add this: REM {CONDOR COMMON SHARED condor, condor1$, cause REM CONDOR} BTW you don't have to have the lines with REM in them but if you ever want to take it out, uh uh go hang glide with a hair net!! HAHAHA :) OK now SAVE VBBSTYPE.BAS, that's all the damage we need here. .............................................................. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Phase 2> LOAD up the file VBBS.BAS -------- Search for 3 lines that match this: vgixdet: IF useransi THEN norm$ = "" DIRECTLY ABOVE the vgixdet: line add this chunk of code: REM {CONDOR Detect *********************** docr condor1$ = "" condor = 0 writeln "Checking for CONDOR" flush a = 0 outline2 es$ + "{?0:" + es$ + "}" + es$ + "#A" t& = TIMER DO cdcheck IF cdchk = 0 THEN EXIT DO IF comhit THEN condor1$ = condor1$ + CHR$(readchar) END IF LOOP UNTIL ctime2&(TIMER, t&) > 2 OR LEN(condor1$) = 11 IF LEN(condor1$) > 10 THEN condor = 67 ansiuser = 1 REM --- Check for Latest Condor Version.... IF VAL(MID$(condor1$, 2, 3)) < VAL("4.0") THEN docr writeln ("DOWNLOAD the Latest version of CONDOR to use our Condor menus.") condor = 0 docr flush waits 3 END IF REM -- if we make it here set condor to match video hardware REM -- BASE menu extions on MENU.CDx where x = CHR$(condor) IF condor THEN condor = ASC(MID$(condor1$, 7, 1)) END IF REM -- **** See what we found docr condor2$ = "Condor found running video hardware -> " + CHR$(condor) writeln (condor2$) flush END IF IF cdchk = 0 THEN RETURN REM CONDOR} end Detect ****************** OK SAVE VBBS.BAS out we're done with it.... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Phase 3> LOAD up VBBS4.BAS --------- In SUB printmsg (a) you will find these 2 lines: serwrt norm$ serwrt "Title: " + bold$ + RTRIM$(d1.subject) + norm$ DIRECTLY BELOW those 2 lines ADD this hunk of code: REM {CONDOR cause = condor2$=RTRIM$(d1.subject) IF INSTR(1,condor2$,"~") THEN pagebrk = 0 pagesize = 0 sv$(77) = num1$(pagebrk) ELSE pagebrk = cause pagesize = cause sv$(77) = num1$(cause) END IF REM CONDOR} *** OK that's all we do to VBBS4.BAS SAVE it. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ######################################################################## Phase 4> LOAD up VBBS6.BAS find this code: --------- CASE 1 ans$ = "ANSI" CASE 2 ans$ = "ANSI Enhanced" CASE 3 ans$ = "VGIX" CASE ELSE END SELECT DIRECTLY !BELOW! where it says END SELECT add this: REM {CONDOR IF condor THEN ans$ = ans$ + "+CONDOR menus.CD" + CHR$(condor) + " " END IF REM CONDOR} ...NOW still in VBBS6.BAS find this: writeln "2) ANSI" writeln "3) ANSI Enhanced" writeln "4) VGIX (VGA)" DIRECTLY !BELOW! where it says VGIX (VGA) add: REM {CONDOR writeln "5) Condor menu type" REM CONDOR} Now just a little below that find: writeln "Q) Quit" semibox 0, 16 rl a$, "Q", 5, ":" <<<<<<<<<---------Was a 4 here change to a 5 IF cdchk = 0 THEN EXIT SUB **OK now DIRECTLY !BELOW! the line with IF cdchk = 0 THEN EXIT SUB ADD this CHUNK of code: REM {CONDOR ** Set CONDOR MODE IF VAL(a$) = 5 THEN docr semibox 0, 21 writeln("CONDOR menu types:") docr writeln("A. NO Condor menus") writeln("C. CGA color") writeln("E. EGA color") writeln("F. EGA mono") writeln("G. Professional Graphics Controller") writeln("H. VGA mono") writeln("I. VGA color") writeln("K. MCGA digital color") writeln("L. MCGA analog mono") writeln("M. MCGA analog color") semibox 0, 21 getline t$, "", "Enter Menu Type: " IF t$<>"" THEN condor = ASC(LEFT$(t$, 1)) IF condor > 90 THEN condor = condor - 32 END IF IF condor = 65 THEN condor = 0 END IF END IF IF cdchk = 0 THEN EXIT SUB END IF IF a$ <> "Q" AND VAL(a$) < 5 THEN REM CONDOR} >>>Find the LINE that matches this: IF a$ <> "Q" THEN It MUST be removed, it'll be right below the chunk of CONDOR code you just added. See the LINE above it replaces it adding a AND VAL$(a$) < 5 OK now find the line just a little bit below this that matches this: u1.videomode = VAL(a$) - 1 You MUST REPLACE that line with this: REM {CONDOR u1.videomode = (condor * 10) + ( VAL(a$) - 1 ) REM CONDOR} OK below this you will see 3 lines that match this: PUT 9, user, u1 CLOSE 9 useransi = u1.videomode **REPLACE the LINE that says useransi = u1.videomode with this: REM {CONDOR useransi = VAL(a$) - 1 REM CONDOR} **NOW find this: u1.ex5 = "" u1.ex6 = "" u1.ex7 = "" u1.ex8 = "" u1.videomode = useransi REPLACE the line that says: u1.videomode = useransi WITH this: REM {CONDOR u1.videomode = ( condor * 10 ) + useransi REM CONDOR} FINALLY we are finished with VBBS6.BAS SAVE it. ######################################################################### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Phase 5> LOAD up the file VC2.BAS ------- FIND this: SUB menu2 (file$) f$ = systxtp$ + file$ + ".MNU" DIRECTLY below that ADD this chunk of code: REM {CONDOR ** Look for filename.CDx if(condor found) cause = IF condor THEN f$ = systxtp$ + file$ + ".CD" + CHR$(condor) pagebrk = 0 pagesize = 0 sv$(77) = num1$(pagebrk) chkfile f$, g& IF g& <= 0 THEN f$ = systxtp$ + file$ + ".MNU" END IF END IF REM CONDOR} **Now just a little bit farther down find this: IF brkf THEN EXIT DO LOOP CLOSE 1 ansic 0 DIRECTLY below the line with ansic 0 ADD this code block: REM {CONDOR pagebrk = cause pagesize = cause sv$(77) = num1$(cause) REM CONDOR} **OK in the SUB upuser FIND the line: useransi = u1.videomode REPLACE that line with this chunk of code: REM {CONDOR condor = u1.videomode / 10 useransi = (u1.videomode - (condor * 10)) REM CONDOR} **** OK that's all we do to VC2.BAS SAVE it! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 6> NOW type MAKEVBBS from the DOS command line and compile and link it, then take the .EXEs made and stick 'em in your VBBS directory. DISCLAIMER: This mod is working fine for me but you do this at your own risk. You assume ALL risks involved from the use of this mod. ---------------------------------------------------------------------